Title: Rama and the Monkeys
Author: Geraldine Hodgson
Translator: W. H. RobinsonYear: 1903
The setting is Ayodhya who's king at the time was Dasaratha who was a famous saint and scholar. He was great at defeating his enemies because he was able to improve upon himself first.
They were divided into four orders in Ayodhya: those who served the gods in the temples, in their own lives, and in the love they had for others.
Dasaratha was sad because he had no son to sit upon the throne when his life ends.He decided to arrange a sacrifice to ask for a son. His enemies watched closely to make sure he did not perform the ceremony wrong.
There was a powerful evil being so strong that even the gods feared him, the sun had no power to scorch him not the wind to buffet him nor the sea to overwhelm him. When he asked for all of these things he forgot to ask for protection from men. It became obvious Ravana needed to be destroyed. Vishnu, who rules the universe, came to be born like a man and set forth to conquest Ravana by becoming Dasaratha's son.
The parents did not know who he really was, but they were so excited. The gods gave the child valuable help because they've known him for a long time. So the gods then to help Vishnu created thousands of creatures with bodies of Monkeys that dwelt over the whole earth. There was nothing these monkeys could not do. They were so numerous that it is not possible to tell their names.
The greatest of them was Vali, son of Indra who rules all the waters of the world. Indra had another son, Sugriva, the best of all the monkeys who in like the sun in heaven was able to give warmth to all things.
The wind god created the monkey as powerful as the rest and very swift in strength and wisdom, Hanuman. His body was as indestructible as the hardest rock. The monkeys were all capable and strong as expected.
It was necessary that he grow up before they could help him. He let his son leave with his younger brother Lakshmana to keep him company. This is when Rama went to wield the powerful bow and married Sita.
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