Title: Rama and the Monkeys
Author: Geraldine HodgsonTranslator: W. H. Robinson
Year: 1903
One of the evil beings Vibishana, Ravana's younger brother who was wiser than the rest. He tried to convince his brother to let Sita go so that Rama did not ruin their home any more than they already had.
Saying that he did not know what else they had in store, they had seen the horror that Hanuman had brought to them with the fire and getting over the ocean. They had not seen how he had gotten to the land of Lanka, and they did not know what he was capable of.
Ever since Sita had come to Lanka, everything was going wrong. Vibishana told his brother on the throne that all of the bad things had been happening. No warning would stop Ravana, he continued to get prepared for war. Ravana's bewitchment with Sita that he would not see the reality of the situation.
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