Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash
This is my last semester and I have a lot going on, I am going to have to challenge myself to keep organized and stay on top of everything. Originally my schedule for this class was 3 hours MTWT since I am enrolled in both Mythology and Folklore and Indian Epics. I think I need to allow myself some time on the weekends to pick up the slack that I may have left throughout the week. With the activities, I have throughout the week, other classes, and a part-time job; I have a lot of things scheduled I have to work around this semester.
I read two articles about time management and I think that those will help me to be able to manage my workload this semester with 15 hours of class and 15 hours of work a week.
The article The Important Habit of Just Starting is extremely helpful and applicable to my work specifically because I do tend to overwhelm myself for no reason. The quote, "I just don't have time," is something that pops up in my head every day when I look at everything I have to do. I like the idea of telling myself "I will work on this class ___ hours on ___ day," because then it gives me concrete expectations for myself rather than putting it off because "it's due Sunday at midnight," and that's when I need to get it done by. I think valuing my future self's time is important because I don't want to cause myself more anxiety. One of the sections in this article is about creating the right environment to get started, and that is definitely something I struggle with. Typically if I needed to get a lot of work done I would go to a coffee shop or a library, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, I no longer feel comfortable going into those places that I found productivity. I have found myself trying to create comfortable study spots in my house, but it is harder when there are so many more distractions around.
The second article Increase Your Creative Output with 14 Time Management Tips Just for Creatives intrigued me because I have a job where I do have to come up with creative material and have found myself in a bit of a rough patch recently. The first point made is that you need to manage your energy, not just your time. I thought this was interesting because I often find myself extremely tired, and maybe managing my energy first would then motivate me to get work done. Acting purposefully is an important thing to learn and I know I struggle with that. When trying to get work done, find purpose in order to feel validated in that work. Both articles I read explained that breaks are extremely important to take for productivity.
I think I will utilize these tactics during my semester to find purpose in my work, and take time to boost my energy. I think as long as I stay motivated and take purposeful breaks I will be able to be successful in my work.
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